Green Lake: Reflections from the Surface of China

Latest news:

BRAND NEW -- A new entry in our chapters available here NOW IN FULL: Chapter 18, Belden and the Revolution. A war correspondent who gets in the middle of battles, lives with troops. One who tells, deeply tells, the story of women in civil war. This chapter now joins our last brand new: Chapter 8, Two Warriors. MORE BRAND NEW -- Chapter 4, Three Explorers, -- now it's all here, not just half, so we now have all of Fairbank, and Joseph Rock can now be seen.

Way, way back in the final days of 2019 we announced:
"Also, now here IN FULL:
Chapter 3, Transformations -- in order to celebrate the soon-beginning new year. Happy 2020!"
[Little did we know what was coming!]

As always, new things added to Random Footnotes

Worth repeating:

Website now updated to super responsiveness to whatever device you wish to view it on. Give it a try on any and all of your many devices. Tell your friends. Worth repeating: All remaining image pages are now up on the site, all in full color. (Buyers of paperback, please note).

When we started the site:

The introductory posting here is of the first two chapters in full (a "feet on soil" chapter and a "nose in books" chapter). In addition, Preface, Prologue, Addendum, and the first of the images pages. At some point each following year (or so), additional material may be posted. For preview of what's to come, indeed for a look into what glories the full ebook brings, click on the Addendum and go to the Extended Table of Contents therein. Lists the topics treated in each chapter.           
The complete ebook, sans ads of course, is available now for purchase: Click here. (A free app is provided so you can read it on any device -- mobile phone, tablet, computer -- whichever you prefer. No need to own a Kindle reader.) A paperback is also available.           

All this is a new path for webbooks which I hereby dub Yin-Yang (of course) yy -- symbol of "how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent." The yin here is being able to read this book slowly through the postings (eventually); the yang is the immediate satisfaction of getting the complete ebook right now (for less than the cost of a plate of General Tso's Chicken).


When new material from the book is posted on this website, the links to the chapter containing that material become active. In addition, phrases like "here now", "1/2 here now," and "New!" are added next to that chapter in the list which appears on the home page.